发布日期:2024-12-15 19:28浏览次数:
Rapid advances in artificial intelligence are feared by many in Europe and the US, with scientists warning of mass unemployment. But in Singapore, where restrictions on foreign workers have left many companies struggling for staff, service sector businesses are increasingly finding automated solutions to their workforce crunch.人工智能领域的较慢变革让欧美的许多人深感忧虑,科学家们警告称之为,这有可能造成大规模失业。但在新加坡,服务行业的企业更加找到机器人可以解决问题它们人手紧绷的问题——新加坡容许外国工人低收入让许多公司很难讨到员工。
From restaurants to hospitals, robots are being rolled out in a government-backed push to help businesses survive a tight labour market.在政府为协助企业在供应紧绷的劳动力市场存活下去而发售的措施下,从饭店到医院,多种机构皆经常出现了机器人的身影。Louis Tan, chief operating officer of Singapore’s Mount Elizabeth Novena hospital, said: “The government is clamping down on foreign workers — there is difficulty in hiring even skilled workers. Technology has turned out to be one of the solutions.”新加坡伊丽莎白诺维娜医院(Mount Elizabeth Novena)首席运营官Louis Tan回应:“新加坡政府正在容许外国工人——哪怕雇用熟练工人也很艰难。事实证明,技术是解决方案之一。
”The hospital, a private medical facility run by the Parkway Pantai group, has turned to IBM’s Watson technology as an automated “nurse” to monitor patients’ vital signs in its intensive care unit.这家医院利用IBM的“沃森”(Watson)技术发售了机器人“护士”来监护重症病房中的病人的关键体征。伊丽莎白诺维娜医院是百汇班台集团(Parkway Pantai)运营的私立医疗服务机构。The AI technology combines information from indicators such as blood pressure and heart rate, and uses a predictive algorithm to calculate the risk of a patient’s condition getting worse.人工智能技术融合血压、心率等指标信息,并用于预测性算法来计算出来患者病情恶化的风险。
“In the past that required human integration and interpretation,” Mr Tan said. “And now we are using data analytics to help drive this.”Louis Tan回应:“在过去,这必须人类加以统合和理解。现在我们用于数据分析学来协助理解。”The pilot, which was launched this year, has improved patient safety, Mr Tan added.他补足称之为,今年发售的试点项目让病人更为安全性。
He said: “It doesn’t mean nurses are absolved of responsibility. It just means they have another aid. It’s more efficient and safer for the patients.”他说道:“这并不意味著护士无事可腊了。它意味着意味著她们又有了一个助手,提升了她们照料病患的效率和安全性。”At Chilli Padi Nonya café, a restaurant serving a hybrid Malay-Chinese cuisine near the National University of Singapore, dirty dishes are gathered by a robotic waiter that trundles between tables chirping: “Could you help me to clear your table?”在辣椒香娘纳吉餐厅(Chilli Padi Nonya),来回于桌子间的机器人侍者离去着脏碟子,还能用悦耳的声音问道:“你能老大我离去下桌子吗?”该餐馆坐落于新加坡国立大学(National University of Singapore)附近,获取马来菜和中国菜。
The machine lacks the ability to pick up cups and plates itself. Instead customers place their used crockery in a tray it carries back to the kitchen.这种机器人无法自己拿起杯子和碟子。顾客们将他们用过的餐具放在架上上,然后由机器人拿回厨房。Kannan Thangaraj, the restaurant’s manager, said: “In Singapore it’s very difficult to get manpower from overseas, so it’s very helpful to get a robot. The customers are coming back because of the robot. They like to see it.”餐厅经理卡纳安坦加拉贾(Kannan Thangaraj)回应:“在新加坡,从海外召募人手十分艰难,因此用于机器人十分有协助。
顾客们因为机器人而沦为回头客。他们讨厌看见机器人。”So far, only a handful of restaurants are involved in trial usage of the robots. One deterrent is cost: the company which makes the machines, Singapore-based Unitech Mechatronics, sells them for S$47,000 (US$34,340).迄今为止,只有少数几家餐馆在试用机器人。成本是一个障碍:总部坐落于新加坡的机器人生产公司Unitech Mechatronics对机器人的定价在4.7万新元(合3.434万美元)。
The government provides a subsidy of nearly 70 per cent of the robot’s cost for the restaurant trial, the company said.该公司回应,新加坡政府为试用机器人的餐馆获取近70%的成本补贴。Also in Singapore, a research and development centre for MasterCard has designed the first payment application for SoftBank Robotics’ humanoid robot Pepper. 某种程度在新加坡,万事达(MasterCard)的一家研发中心为软银机器人(SoftBank Robotics)的仿人机器人Pepper设计了首个缴纳应用于。Outlets of Pizza Hut in Asia will use the robot to take some customer orders and process card payments in a trial expected to take place this year. The goal is to free waiters for more complex interactions with customers.亚洲的必胜客(Pizza Hut)门店将未来将会在今年试用Pepper拒绝接受一些顾客的订单并处置银行卡缴纳。
目标是让侍者解放出来,处置与顾客的更加简单的对话。In this year’s budget, Singapore’s government announced plans to spend more than S$450m over the next three years to back the deployment of robots, with a focus on providing affordable robotics to small and medium-sized enterprises.新加坡在今年的支出中宣告,计划在今后3年耗资逾4.5亿新元反对企业配有机器人,重点是向中小企业获取它们负担得起的机器人。
But the push to innovate has not been universally welcomed; in one Singapore restaurant piloting a robot dish-collector, the machine was smashed to pieces by a member of staff.但这种创意措施未广泛受到青睐;在新加坡一家试用机器人离去盘子的餐馆里,一位员工将机器人打得粉身碎骨。While there has been a global boom in the use of industrial robots, with 248,000 units sold in 2015 according to research by the International Federation of Robotics, sales of service sector robots have lagged behind.尽管全球范围内早已在大量用于工业机器人——国际机器人联合会(International Federation of Robotics)的调查表明,2015年工业机器人销量为24.8万台——但服务业机器人的销量要较少得多。Sales of service robots rose to about 24,000 units in 2014 compared with just under 22,000 the year before.2014年,服务业机器人的销量升到大约2.4万台,而2013年还将近2.2万台。
Analysts predict that the worldwide market for service industry robots is poised to take off, as technical advances allow robots to perform more complex tasks and work in more unpredictable environments.分析师预计,随着科技进步使得机器人需要继续执行更为简单的任务并在更为不能预测的环境中工作,全球范围内服务行业机器人的销量将不会攀升。In Japan, where robots are widely used in manufacturing, the government has launched a push to increase their use in services including healthcare and nursing homes.在制造业普遍用于机器人的日本,政府实施措施,推展还包括医疗保健和居家护理在内的服务行业减少机器人的用于。